Janus Andersen

Big Data ML – IA : What Infrastructures?

02 May 2024 / By InnoValeur
Janus Andersen

Exploring the best platforms for Big Data, Machine Learning (ML), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) requires a detailed understanding of their specific advantages, performance in various usage contexts, and other exploited data sources. Here is an in-depth analysis of the different technologies and recommendations based on various scenarios.


Performance in Cloud Computing Advantages:

  • Computational Power and Scalability: Cloud services offer scalable computing resources that are ideal for processing and analyzing large datasets.
  • Integration with ML and Big Data Tools: Platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud provide integrated tools for processing and analyzing Big Data, facilitating the implementation of ML solutions.


  • Cost: The cost can be high depending on the scale of resources used.
  • Latency: For applications requiring real-time responses, the latency introduced by communication with the cloud can be problematic.

Performance in Edge Computing Advantages:

  • Latency Reduction: Data processing closer to the source significantly reduces latency.
  • Connectivity Independence: Efficient operation even in cases of limited or non-existent cloud connectivity.


  • Resource Limitations: Fewer computing resources available than in the cloud, which can limit the complexity of ML models that can be deployed.


Data Exploitation with Other Data Sources:

  • Data Warehouses: Databases designed for analysis and reporting, often used to manage structured data from business operations.
  • Data Lakes: Storage systems designed to store large amounts of raw data in their native format, enabling the use of unstructured data for AI.
  • High-Performance Computing (HPC) Systems: Used for computationally intensive tasks, HPC systems are perfect for AI jobs that require enormous processing capabilities.

Advantages of Data Warehouses and Data Lakes:

  • Storage of Large Quantities of Data: Ability to efficiently store and manage vast datasets.
  • Support for Various Types of Data: Support both structured and unstructured data, which is ideal for AI.

Disadvantages of Data Warehouses and Data Lakes:

  • Management Complexity: Managing these systems can be complex and require specialized skills.
  • Costs: The infrastructure needed for data lakes and data warehouses can be expensive to establish and maintain. 



  • For projects requiring high computational power and scalability (Big Data, ML): Cloud computing is recommended due to its ability to quickly and efficiently scale resources. Ideal for businesses with variable processing needs or startups looking to minimize initial infrastructure investments.
  • For applications requiring real-time response or operating in environments with limited connectivity (AI, ML): Edge computing is preferable, as it enables rapid and local data processing, essential for critical applications such as autonomous vehicles or real-time monitoring.
  • For in-depth analyses and complex integrations of diverse data types (AI): Data lakes or data warehouses may be more appropriate, especially if the company already possesses a large amount of structured and unstructured operational data.


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